More About Calcium

In addition to ingesting adequate mineral levels for bone building, the key to fighting osteoporosis is to focus on balancing bone remodeling–reducing osteoclastic bone resorption and increasing osteoblastic bone formation. Regaining balance is best achieved by eating a healthful, well-balanced, alkaline diet; having a healthy gastrointestinal tract; taking quality, nutritional supplements like OsteoNaturals’ OsteoStim (our product designed to enhance balanced bone remodeling activity); exercising (both cardio and weight-bearing); and evaluating health-related lifestyle behaviors.

Once bone remodeling action is addressed, then the minerals in food and through supplementation can be effective; but only if they are absorbed properly. Calcium and other minerals from food sources can be ionized in the stomach and bound to dietary protein, carbohydrates, and fat. This ionization will affect the bioavailability of the minerals. Likewise, the common mineral salts used in most nutritional supplements, such as carbonates, citrates, oxides, sulfates, gluconates, aspartates, etc, will also be ionized in the stomach and their absorption is limited. Mineral salts such as these are absorbed passively due to their electrical charge. The chelates used in OsteoNaturals products have an active absorption process where their “neutral charge” enables a faster, less restrained entry through the intestinal wall. OsteoNaturals minerals traverse directly into the blood stream for optimal absorption and availability. AND…when ingested with magnesium, trace minerals, and vitamins D and K the calcium goes into the bones and NOT into places such as arteries.

In a 2016 study, Dr. Christos Lampropoulos, et al., assessed the correlation between osteoporosis and vascular calcification in postmenopausal women and the contribution, if any, of supplemental calcium. The goal was to determine not only if there was a correlation (there have been numerous studies linking these as comorbidities) but also to determine if low dose calcium supplementation plus vitamin D contributed to calcification of arteries. Lampropoulos confirmed that “Calcium plaques were significantly correlated with osteoporosis.” The study found that osteoporotic women were “16 times more likely” to develop calcification of the abdominal aorta and “seven times more likely” to develop calcified plaques and thickening of blood vessels compared to normal individuals. It also found that “low doses of supplements do not appear to cause any increase in vascular calcification in osteoporotic women.” In other words, although bone loss and calcification of arteries go hand in hand their connection is NOT due to taking calcium supplements.

And this is key–we NEED calcium for our bones to be healthy, and it is extremely difficult to obtain enough calcium strictly from diet alone (thus the sobering statistic that 50% of women and 20% of men will become osteoporotic). Taking supplemental calcium is not only the best way to ensure optimal calcium intake but it is also extremely safe when used in moderation. Taking huge amounts of any supplement, including calcium, is never advisable. But a sensible intake of 500 to 800 mg/day of supplemental calcium (plus another 500 or so from the diet) is important for obtaining the 1,200 to 1,500 mg calcium/day as recommended by most bone-health experts. Making sure to get adequate vitamins D and K, trace minerals, and magnesium is a vital part of the equation. These vitamins and minerals ensure that the calcium goes to the right places–muscles, nerves, and bone–not into blood vessel walls.

Our OsteoSustain is a potent blend of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron and silica plus vitamins C,D, and K for the support of skeletal health.* The minerals used in this formula are from Albion Laboratories, Inc., the world-leader in quality chelated minerals with outstanding bioavailability and absorption. The suggested serving size is 3 caplets daily.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.